Are the meetings in-person or virtual?
The majority of our groups are virtual. With the pandemic, we all learned that effective meetings can occur virtually and the benefits gained far offset [...]
The majority of our groups are virtual. With the pandemic, we all learned that effective meetings can occur virtually and the benefits gained far offset [...]
No matter how successful you become, there is always another level of growth… and another obstacle in your way. From “solo-preneurs” to executives of Fortune-500 [...]
Clark Leadership clients in our peer groups are truly loyal to their fellow group members. Once a rapport and trust has been established within a [...]
Issue processing is a proven approach to gain clarity and possible solutions to a challenge or opportunity. Taken from the book, “Fierce Conversations” by Susan [...]
Group meetings have three main components. First, members share a check-in to update the group on where they are in their business and personal life. [...]
Groups generally meet once a month on the same day/time throughout the year with time off during the summer.
Clark Leadership facilitators all have extensive experience running businesses of varying sizes and complexities. The wisdom and insights they have gained from these experiences are [...]
No, this is a member driven process where the group members help guide and direct the flow of learning, discovery, and discussions. Each group has [...]
In general, group members come from across all industries. We do, however, ensure that no two members in a group are from the same industry [...]
Our peer groups are facilitated by professionals who have many years of experience as business owners and executives. Unlike mastermind groups, Clark Leadership teaches leadership [...]